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Jokes.Net Holiday Jokes:
Other Holiday Jokes

    Q: How is a flag like Santa Claus?
    A: They both hang out at the pole!

    Q: What did the patriotic dog do on Flag Day?
    A: He flagged his tail!

    Teacher: "How did the Founding Fathers decide on our country's flag?"
    Student: "I guess they took a flag poll!"

    Q: What would you get if you crossed the Stars and Stripes with a cookie?
    A: A Flag Newton!

    Dad: "Most people don't have to work today, because it's Labor Day."
    Son: "If they're not working, shouldn't it be 'No-Labor' Day?"

    Q: Did you hear the one about Labor Day?
    A: It works for me!

    Q: Where did Columbus first land in America?
    A: On his feet!

    Q: Who was the first cat to discover America?
    A: Christopher Columpuss!

    Q: How was Columbus's ship like an avid shopper?
    A: They're both driven by sales!

    Q: What would you get if you crossed October 12 with Halloween?
    A: Ghoulumbus Day!

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