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Jokes.Net:Animal Jokes
Bird Jokes

Short Bird Jokes

    Q: What birds spend all their time on their knees?
    A: Birds of prey!

    Q: What do you call a woodpecker with no beak?
    A: A headbanger!

    Q: When is the best time to buy budgies?
    A: When they're going cheap!

    Q: How do you get a cut-price parrot?
    A: Plant bird seed !

    Q: Why is a sofa like a roast chicken?
    A: Because they're both full of stuffing!

    Q: What do you call a very rude bird?
    A: A mockingbird!

    Q: Where do birds meet for coffee?
    A: In a nest-cafe!

    Q: How does a bird with a broken wing manage to land safely?
    A: With it's sparrowchute!

    Q: What is green and pecks on trees?
    A: Woody Wood Pickle!

    Q: What do you call a bunch of chickens playing hide-and-seek?
    A: Fowl play!

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