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Jokes.Net:Animal Jokes
Farmyard Jokes

Short Cattle Jokes

    Q: How do you change a pumpkin into another vegetable?
    A: You throw it up in the air and it comes down squash.

    Q: What do you give a sick pig?
    A: Oinkment !

    Q: What is the easiest way to count a herd of cattle ?
    A: Use a cowculator !

    Q: What do cows like to dance to ?
    A: Any kind of moosic you like !

    Q: What game do cows play at parties ?
    A: Moosical chairs !

    Q: What do you call a crate of ducks ?
    A: A box of quackers !

    Q: What do you get from an Alaskan cow ?
    A: Cold cream ! or, Ice Milk and Ice Cream!

    Q: Why did the foal cough ?
    A: Because he was a little horse !

    Q: Why do cows like being told jokes ?
    A: Because they like being amoosed !

    Q: What do you call an arctic cow ?
    A: An eskimoo !

    Q: What is a pigs favorite ballet ?
    A: Swine Lake !

    Q: Why did the ram fall over the cliff ?
    A: He didn't see the ewe turn !

    Q: Why did the pig go to the casino ?
    A: To play the slop machine !

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