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Jokes.Net:Animal Jokes
Chicken Jokes

Short Chicken Jokes 2

    A chicken and an egg are lying in bed.

    The chicken, with a satisfied smile on it's face, is leaning up against the headboard smoking a ciggy.

    The egg, looking pissed off, grabs the sheets, rolls over, and says "Well I guess we just answered THAT question!"

    - Submitted by Kirrily.

    A chicken goes into a library and says, "Bok," so the librarian gives it a book. Ten minutes later the same chicken comes in again and says, "Bok bok." The librarian gives the chicken two books, but being a bit curious, follows the chicken down the road where the chicken meets a frog. The frog says to the chicken, "Redit, redit!"

    - Submitted by Jokes4U - bazzerooni.

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