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Jokes.Net Holiday Jokes:
Halloween Jokes

Short Halloween Jokes 3

    Q: Which story do all little witches love to hear at bedtime?
    A: "Ghoul Deluxe and the Three Scares."

    Q: Why do dragons sleep during the day?
    A: So they can fight knights.

    Q: Where does Dracula keep his valuables?
    A: In a blood bank.

    Q: How does a witch tell time?
    A: She looks at her witch watch.

    Q: Where can you see a real ugly monster?
    A: In the mirror.

    Q: When is it bad luck to see a black cat?
    A: When you're a mouse.

    Q: Why did the monster eat the caboose?
    A: The locomotive told him to "Choo, choo."

    Q: What's the best place for a mirror?
    A: In a graveyard. It can double your mummy.

    Q: What do you call a ghost in a torn sheet?
    A: A holy terror.

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